Marina Trento
Technical and administrative staff
- Department of Medical Sciences
- SSD: MED/09 - internal medicine
Research products
All my research productsSelected research products
Marina Trento, Marta Franceschini, Paolo Fornengo, Lucia Tricarico, Aurora Mazzeo, Stefania Bertello, Alessandra Clerico, Salvatore Oleandri, Mario Chiesa, Anna Di Leva, Lorena Charrier, Franco Cavallo, Massimo Porta (2021). Ambient intelligence for long-term diabetes care (AmILCare). Qualitative analysis of patients' expectations and attitudes toward interactive technology.
Marina Trento, Paolo Fornengo, Cristina Amione, Martina Salassa, Federica Barutta, Gabriella Gruden, Aurora Mazzeo, Stefano Merlo, MarioChiesa,Franco Cavallo, Lorena Charrier, Massimo Porta (2020). Self-management education may improve blood pressure in people with type 2diabetes. A randomized controlled clinical trial.
Marina Trento (2019). The utopia of research: epistemology of patient education.
Porta M, Amione C, Barutta F, Fornengo P, Merlo S, Gruden G, Albano L, Ciccarelli M, Ungaro P, Durazzo M, Beguinot F, Berchialla P, Cavallo F, Trento M. (2018) The co-activator-associated arginine methyltransferase 1 (CARM1) gene is overexpressed in type 2 diabetes. Endocrine [DOI PMID]
Trento M, Charrier L, Salassa M, Merlo S, Passera P, Baltatescu A, Cavallo F, Porta M. (2017) Cognitive function may be a predictor of retinopathy progression in patients with type 2 diabetes. European journal of ophthalmology 27(3) 278-280 [DOI PMID]
Trento M, Durando O, Lavecchia S, Charrier L, Cavallo F, Costa MA, Hernandez C, Simo R, Porta M. (2017) Vision related quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes in the EUROCONDOR trial. Endocrine 57(1) 83-88 [DOI PMID]
Trento, M, Durando, O, Merlo, S, Fornengo, P, Bertello, S, Oleandri, S, Picca, P, Donati, Mc, Bandello, F, Lattanzio, R, Aragona, E, Scoccianti, L, Perilli, R, Casati, S, Charrier, L, Cavallo, F, Porta, M (2017) Vision-related Quality of Life and Locus of Control in Type 1 Diabetes. A Multicentre Observational Study.
Porta, M, Amione, C, Barutta, F, Albano, L, Ciccarelli, M, Fornengo, P, Merlo, S, Ungaro, P, Beguinot, F, Berchialla, P, Cavallo, F, Trento, M (2017) Co-activator-associated arginine methyltransferase 1 (CARM1) is overexpressed in type 2 diabetes.
Trento M, Merlo S, Durando O, Rapetti S, Cavallo F, Porta M. (2017) Self-management education and psychological support improve self-esteem in people with type 1 diabetes. Acta diabetologica 54(4) 415-416 [DOI PMID]
Muller N, Khunti K, Kuss O, Lindblad U, Nolan JJ, Rutten GE, Trento M, Porta M, Roth J, Charpentier G, Jorgens V, Muller UA. (2017) Is there evidence of potential overtreatment of glycaemia in elderly people with type 2 diabetes? Data from the GUIDANCE study. Acta diabetologica 54(2) 209-214 [DOI PMID]
Trento M, Charrier L, Salassa M, Merlo S, Passera P, Cavallo F, Porta M. (2015) Depression, anxiety and cognitive function in patients with type 2 diabetes: an 8-year prospective observational study. Acta diabetologica 52(6) 1157-66 [DOI PMID]
Sicuro J, Charrier L, Berchialla P, Cavallo F, Merlo S, Mazzeo A, Porta M, Trento M. (2014) Self-management education by group care reduces cardiovascular risk in patients with type 2 diabetes: analysis of the ROMEO clinical trial. Diabetes care 37(9) e192-3 [DOI PMID]
Trento M, Trevisan M, Raballo M, Passera P, Charrier L, Cavallo F, Porta M. (2014) Depression, anxiety, cognitive impairment and their association with clinical and demographic variables in people with type 2 diabetes: a 4-year prospective study. Journal of endocrinological investigation 37(1) 79-85 [DOI PMID]
Stone MA, Charpentier G, Doggen K, Kuss O, Lindblad U, Kellner C, Nolan J, Pazderska A, Rutten G, Trento M, Khunti K. (2013) Quality of care of people with type 2 diabetes in eight European countries: findings from the Guideline Adherence to Enhance Care (GUIDANCE) study. Diabetes care 36(9) 2628-38 [DOI PMID]
Trento M, Passera P, Trevisan M, Schellino F, Sitia E, Albani S, Montanaro M, Bandello F, Scoccianti L, Charrier L, Cavallo F, Porta M. (2013) Quality of life, impaired vision and social role in people with diabetes: a multicenter observational study. Acta diabetologica 50(6) 873-7 [DOI PMID]
Trento M, Panero F, Porta M, Gruden G, Barutta F, Cerutti F, Gambino R, Perotto M, Cavallo Perin P, Bruno G. (2013) Diabetes-specific variables associated with quality of life changes in young diabetic people: the type 1 diabetes Registry of Turin (Italy). Nutrition, metabolism, and cardiovascular diseases : NMCD 23(10) 1031-6 [DOI PMID]
Trento M, Porta M. (2012) Structured and persistently reinforced patient education can work. BMJ (Clinical research ed.) 345 e5100 [PMID]
Raballo M, Trevisan M, Trinetta AF, Charrier L, Cavallo F, Porta M, Trento M. (2012) A study of patients' perceptions of diabetes care delivery and diabetes: propositional analysis in people with type 1 and 2 diabetes managed by group or usual care. Diabetes care 35(2) 242-7 [DOI PMID]
Trento M, Raballo M, Trevisan M, Sicuro J, Passera P, Cirio L, Charrier L, Cavallo F, Porta M. (2012) A cross-sectional survey of depression, anxiety, and cognitive function in patients with type 2 diabetes. Acta diabetologica 49(3) 199-203 [DOI PMID]
Trento M, Gamba S, Gentile L, Grassi G, Miselli V, Morone G, Passera P, Tonutti L, Tomalino M, Bondonio P, Cavallo F, Porta M. (2010) Rethink Organization to iMprove Education and Outcomes (ROMEO): a multicenter randomized trial of lifestyle intervention by group care to manage type 2 diabetes. Diabetes care 33(4) 745-7 [DOI PMID]
Trento M, Borgo E, Kucich C, Passera P, Trinetta A, Charrier L, Cavallo F, Porta M. (2009) Quality of life, coping ability, and metabolic control in patients with type 1 diabetes managed by group care and a carbohydrate counting program. Diabetes care 32(11) e134 [DOI PMID]
Trento M, Basile M, Borgo E, Grassi G, Scuntero P, Trinetta A, Cavallo F, Porta M. (2008) A randomised controlled clinical trial of nurse-, dietitian- and pedagogist-led Group Care for the management of Type 2 diabetes. Journal of endocrinological investigation 31(11) 1038-42 [DOI PMID]
Trento M, Broglio F, Riganti F, Basile M, Borgo E, Kucich C, Passera P, Tibaldi P, Tomelini M, Cavallo F, Ghigo E, Porta M. (2008) Sleep abnormalities in type 2 diabetes may be associated with glycemic control. Acta diabetologica 45(4) 225-9 [DOI PMID]
Trento M, Tomelini M, Basile M, Borgo E, Passera P, Miselli V, Tomalino M, Cavallo F, Porta M. (2008) The locus of control in patients with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes managed by individual and group care. Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association 25(1) 86-90 [DOI PMID]
Trento M, Tomelini M, Lattanzio R, Brancato R, Coggiola A, Benecchi R, Scoccianti L, Insacco C, Bandello F, Montanaro M, Cavallo F, Porta M. (2006) Perception of, and anxiety levels induced by, laser treatment in patients with sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy. A multicentre study. Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association 23(10) 1106-9 [DOI PMID]
Trento M, Passera P, Borgo E, Tomalino M, Bajardi M, Brescianini A, Tomelini M, Giuliano S, Cavallo F, Miselli V, Bondonio P, Porta M. (2005) A 3-year prospective randomized controlled clinical trial of group care in type 1 diabetes. Nutrition, metabolism, and cardiovascular diseases : NMCD 15(4) 293-301 [DOI PMID]
Trento M, Passera P, Borgo E, Tomalino M, Bajardi M, Cavallo F, Porta M. (2004) A 5-year randomized controlled study of learning, problem solving ability, and quality of life modifications in people with type 2 diabetes managed by group care. Diabetes care 27(3) 670-5 [PMID]
Trento M, Bajardi M, Borgo E, Passera P, Maurino M, Gibbins R, Owens DR, Cavallo F, Porta M. (2002) Perceptions of diabetic retinopathy and screening procedures among diabetic people. Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association 19(10) 810-3 [PMID]
Trento M, Passera P, Bajardi M, Tomalino M, Grassi G, Borgo E, Donnola C, Cavallo F, Bondonio P, Porta M. (2002) Lifestyle intervention by group care prevents deterioration of Type II diabetes: a 4-year randomized controlled clinical trial. Diabetologia 45(9) 1231-9 [DOI PMID]
Trento M, Passera P, Tomalino M, Bajardi M, Pomero F, Allione A, Vaccari P, Molinatti GM, Porta M. (2001) Group visits improve metabolic control in type 2 diabetes: a 2-year follow-up. Diabetes care 24(6) 995-1000 [PMID]
Research topics
Laurea Magistrale in Pedagogia indirizzo Pedagogico presso la Facoltà di Magistero di Torino.
ORCID: 0000-0003-3764-3539
1998. Si specializza in Educazione Terapeutica, consegue il Diploma di Perfezionamento Universitario in Educazione Sanitaria e Psicologia Clinica a Perugia e Milano.
2005. Consegue il Master di II° Livello presso il centro per l'Innovazione Didattica e l'Istruzione a Distanza, Università degli Studi di Ferrara.
2003 e 2013. Rinnovo. Registrazione per il Marchio di Impresa ROMEO Ripensare l'Organizzazione per Migliorare l'Educazione e gli Outcomes nella classe 9, 16, 38 e 41 con il Codice TO2003C002811.
2018. Registrata per il progetto REPRISE 0005572. 20-03-2018 (Register of Scientific Experts set up at the MIUR (Ministero Istruzione, Università e Ricerca) for Scientific Popularization.
2019. Vincitrice del Grant Awards dell'European Association Study for Diabetes (EFSD-INTENSE Project) per il progetto Ambient Intelligence for Long-term diabetes Care (AmILCare).
Ha ottenuto premi internazionali e nazionali:
- 2019. Premio Professioni sanitarie della Società Italiana di Diabetologia (SID).
- 2010. Premio Nazionale. La PA che si vede. Sesta Edizione 2010. La Pubblica Amministrazione. Rebubblica Italiana.
- 2009. DAWN Award 2009 category Type 2 Diabetes, for project Group Care, a clinical-educational and care model. Clinical and psycho-cognitive results. Senato, Palazzo Giustiniani, Sala Zuccari, Rome.
- 2008. Diabetes Award for the best abstract on Therapeutic Patient Education, 44° EASD Congress, DESG (Diabetes Education Study Group) "Quality of life, coping ability and metabolic control in patients with type 1 diabetes followed by Group Care with a carbohydrate counting programme".
- 2006. Diabetes Award for the best abstract on Therapeutic Patient Education, 42° EASD Congress, DESG (Diabetes Education Study Group) "Locus of control in patients with type 2 and 1 diabetes after long-term management by Group Care".
- 2006. Best Original Poster presentation: "Locus of control in patients with type 2 and 1 diabetes after long term management by Group Care" VIII Eli-Lilly Workshop, Approfondimenti scientifici in Diabetologia, 1st Italian-Spanish Meeting, Florence.
- 2003 Ottiene il Best Annual Paper Award by the Executive Committee of the EASD for the paper "Lifestyle intervention by group care prevents deterioration of type II diabetes: a 4-year randomised controlled clinical trial" (Diabetologia 45:1231-1239; 2002).
- 2001. Diabetes Award for the best abstract on Therapeutic Patient Education, 37th EASD Congress, Glasgow, 2001. DESG (Diabetes Education Study Group) "Perceptions of retinopathy and screening procedures among diabetic people"
- 2001. Premio Nazionale del Giornale Italiano di Diabetologia e Metabolismo Diabete, Obesità e Patologie Metaboliche: dalla Ricerca alla Clinica.
- 1999. Ottiene il Travel Grant Fellowship of the EASD for a collaborative research project with Bro Taf Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Service, Llandough Hospital, Penarth, V. of Glamorgan, UK.
- 1999. Ottiene il Travel Grant Application 35th Annual Meeting EASD, Brussels, Belgium.
Svolge attività di revisore nelle seguenti riviste con Impact Factor: Acta Diabetologica, BMJ British Medical Journal, Child: Care, Health & Development, Diabetologia, Diabetes Care, Diabetic Medicine, Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews, Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, European Diabetes Nursing, European Journal of Ophthalmology, European Journal of Pediatrics, Journal of Diabetes and Complications, Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, Journal of Psychosomatic Research, Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases, Primary Care Diabetes.
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