About the Department
The Department of Medical Sciences was established in 2012 (DR n. 2804/14.05.2012) and it is characterized by a multidisciplinary feature, as it involves 18 different Scientific Disciplinary Sectors (SSD) and it is based on three main aspects, welfare, scientific research and education, with the aim of introducing innovation in the medical area.
The clinical activities take place mainly at
- University hospital “Città della Salute e della Scienza” in Turin, which hosts 3 Welfare Departments and 17 Divisions, supervised by Professors of the Dept. of Medical Sciences;
- “ASL Città di Torino Amedeo di Savoia” Hospital, hosting the Division of Infectious Diseases;
- Fondazione Piemonte per l'Oncologia - FPO IRCCS in Candiolo (Turin), hosting the Division of Pathology;
- ASL in Asti (Piedmont), hosting the Second Division of Infectious Diseases.
The scientific research of the Dept. of Medical Sciences is based on 6 main topics:
- translational medicine focused on the physio-pathological mechanisms underlying human diseases;
- epidemiology by studying the main risk factors of cancers and metabolic, infectious and cardio-vascular diseases;
- transplantation and regenerative medicine; iv) digital diagnosis and molecular imaging;
- “omic” sciences focused mainly on genomics;
- big data analysis.
The Dept. is involved in projects focused on biomedical research in a translational perspective, with the aim of setting up innovative and updated technologies and their applications into the clinics. The multidisciplinary feature of the Dept. puts together different skills and favors the possibility to successfully apply for competitive grant applications, such as the TESEO project. TESEO (Traguardi di Eccellenza nelle Scienze mediche Esplorando le Omiche) is a 5-year project funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research in 2018 as part of the “Excellent Departments” call.
The Education is a key feature of the Dept. of Medical Sciences and it includes several university courses, such as the Master degree in Medicine and Surgery, Master Degree in Medical Biotechnology, Master Degree in Advanced Techniques in Physical Activity, Bachelor Degree in Health Careers. Moreover, the Dept. of Medical Sciences is coordinating different Residency courses, PhD courses and I and II level Masters. Multidisciplinarity is a pillar also in the Education programs coordinated by the Dept. to offer the students the possibility to approach medicine and related topics in “wide and complete” manner.