Enza Ferrero
- Department of Medical Sciences
- SSD: MED/03 - medical genetics
- ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-7761-4957

- 011-696-1734
- 011-696-6155
- enza.ferrero@unito.it
- Laboratorio di Immunogenetica
Palazzina Ceppellini - 3° piano
Via Santena 19
10126 Torino
Italia - https://dms.campusnet.unito.it/persone/enza.ferrero
- Contacts VCard
- Department of Medical Sciences
Curriculum vitae

Selected research products
Ferrero E, Lo Buono N, Horenstein AL, Funaro A, Malavasi F. (2014) The ADP-ribosyl cyclases--the current evolutionary state of the ARCs. Frontiers in bioscience (Landmark edition) 19 986-1002 [PMID]
Malavasi F, Deaglio S, Funaro A, Ferrero E, Horenstein AL, Ortolan E, Vaisitti T, Aydin S. (2008) Evolution and function of the ADP ribosyl cyclase/CD38 gene family in physiology and pathology. Physiological reviews 88(3) 841-86 [DOI PMID]
Ferrero E, Orciani M, Vacca P, Ortolan E, Crovella S, Titti F, Saccucci F, Malavasi F. (2004) Characterization and phylogenetic epitope mapping of CD38 ADPR cyclase in the cynomolgus macaque. BMC immunology 5 21 [DOI PMID]
Ferrero E, Saccucci F, Malavasi F. (2000) The making of a leukocyte receptor: origin, genes and regulation of human CD38 and related molecules. Chemical immunology 75 1-19 [PMID]
Ferrero E, Saccucci F, Malavasi F. (1999) The human CD38 gene: polymorphism, CpG island, and linkage to the CD157 (BST-1) gene. Immunogenetics 49(7-8) 597-604 [PMID]
Ferrero E, Malavasi F. (1999) The metamorphosis of a molecule: from soluble enzyme to the leukocyte receptor CD38. Journal of leukocyte biology 65(2) 151-61 [PMID]
Ferrero E, Malavasi F. (1997) Human CD38, a leukocyte receptor and ectoenzyme, is a member of a novel eukaryotic gene family of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide+-converting enzymes: extensive structural homology with the genes for murine bone marrow stromal cell antigen 1 and aplysian ADP-ribosyl cyclase. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) 159(8) 3858-65 [PMID]
Haziot A, Ferrero E, Kontgen F, Hijiya N, Yamamoto S, Silver J, Stewart CL, Goyert SM. (1996) Resistance to endotoxin shock and reduced dissemination of gram-negative bacteria in CD14-deficient mice. Immunity 4(4) 407-14 [PMID]
Ferrero E, Jiao D, Tsuberi BZ, Tesio L, Rong GW, Haziot A, Goyert SM. (1993) Transgenic mice expressing human CD14 are hypersensitive to lipopolysaccharide. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 90(6) 2380-4 [PMID]
Ferrero E, Hsieh CL, Francke U, Goyert SM. (1990) CD14 is a member of the family of leucine-rich proteins and is encoded by a gene syntenic with multiple receptor genes. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) 145(1) 331-6 [PMID]
Ferrero E, Goyert SM. (1988) Nucleotide sequence of the gene encoding the monocyte differentiation antigen, CD14. Nucleic acids research 16(9) 4173 [PMID]
Goyert SM, Ferrero E, Rettig WJ, Yenamandra AK, Obata F, Le Beau MM. (1988) The CD14 monocyte differentiation antigen maps to a region encoding growth factors and receptors. Science (New York, N.Y.) 239(4839) 497-500 [PMID]
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